In light of everything that has been released regarding the COVID-19 virus, I wanted to be sure to keep you all in the loop on policies we will be implementing over the next several months to help ensure our craft studio remains as clean and germ-free as possible. The concern is real, and I am not taking recommendations lightly that have been made by the CDC, Black Hawk County Health Department and WHO. With that said, it’s not realistic to think we can all lock ourselves away until this passes (which might be months). I want you to feel safe when you visit my shop and I feel there are a few simple changes I can make to ensure that happens.
Each night as we close our doors we will be soaking and washing all paint brushes and water jars in dish soap and warm water. All tables and chairs will be wiped down with soap and water. We will also frequently clean any other surfaces and tools such as hair dryers, glue guns, scissors, counters, soap pumps, paint bottles, etc.
Since I opened nearly four years ago, my space has been a paper towel-free zone for handwashing and cleanup. I’ve always offered clean hand towels and rags to minimize the amount of waste my shop produces. However, in light of the recent pandemic, I’m now going to be offering paper towels for hand-washing only. If you visit our studio, please continue to use rags to clean-up paint spills, dry brushes, etc. But if you wash your hands in our sink, please feel free to use the paper towels that will be provided for drying.
I have also made the decision to limit the capacity of our craft studio during open studio to 12 people at a time. Our space is small(ish), and I want to avoid overcrowding. This will be especially important as we enter Spring Break week in the Cedar Valley. This maximum capacity will also include any adults sitting with children. So it might mean there’s a longer wait to get into our studio. I anticipate this shouldn’t be too much of a problem, though. And honestly speaking, this number really is what is most comfortable for seating in our studio anyway!
We need help from you, too. First and foremost, if you or child may be sick (yes, even a sniffle) please stay home and visit us when you’re on the mend! I’m always amazed at how many children visit our studio when they’re home sick from school, when they have a persistent cough, or need too many tissues! Second, we have a sink and hand soap readily available in our studio. Please wash your hands often!
In no way do I intend to instill fear with this post. I just want you to know that I’m doing what I can to help minimize exposure to illness during this time. We’ll continue to implement these efforts for the next several months, until the threat has been minimized. It’s becoming our new “normal” for now.
Keep calm…and craft on, my friends!